From the Journal of Diana "Rides-The-Storm" Ravenscroft,
Cliath Artisan of the Black Furies:

I've been busy with classes lately, so I haven't had time for much else, but I'll try to hit the high points.

I introduced myself at the last moot, and lo and behold, a Silver Fang Theurge named Peter Falcon-Seer was looking to form a pack in order to bring unity to the Garou Concordiat. Talk about a lofty goal, but Gaia, imagine the tales that'd be told if it actually succeeded! Needless to say, I decided to join up. I mean, think of the potential for stories! Besides, I /really/ need to be in a pack again – it was awfully lonely without one. I don't think I could stand it for too long – I'd go crazy.

Right now, the pack is just me and Peter...a good start, maybe, but there's no way two Cliath can do that alone. We're hoping that maybe some more Garou without a pack will be willing to join up at the next moot – I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Speaking of moots, I've been chosen to be Talesinger at the one in September! I'm so excited – have to make sure the story I tell is one of my best. Maybe I should tell the story of Actaeon that Hera Warsinger told me, back at the Sept of the Hand of Gaia...if I tell it well enough, maybe it'll be repeated somewhere else – I think Hera would like that.

Well, need to work on that story now, so I'll write more later...

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This web page and the text above is copyright © 2001 by Midori Hirtzel-Church. Werewolf: The Apocalypse and all breed, auspice and tribe names are copyright © 1994 by White Wolf Game Studios; no copyright infringement is intended.

This page last revised -- November 12, 2001