Once upon a time, I created some customized character sheets for a game I was playing. After several years and numerous games, I've garnered quite a substantial collection; this archive is the end result.
All the sheets are in PDF format, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader or a similar application to view them.
Feel free to download these sheets and use them for your own games. If you would like to post them on your own site, feel free (unless indicated otherwise; see each sheet's listing on this page for details). I have but two conditions - one, please link back to this page (you can use the banner below); and two, do not link directly to the sheets, as that will place undue strain on my server. Many thanks!
Contributions to this archive are most appreciated; send them to thegamemistress (at) gmail (dot) com (please remember to include the name of the contribution's creator, so that I can give credit where it is due).
These sheets include kith-specific Birthrights and Frailties, as well as extra blank circles (for things like a sidhe's extra dots of Appearance or a satyr's extra dot of Stamina), extra Health Levels for trolls, House Boons and Flaws for sidhe, and so on.
(These sheets were originally posted on Ravenskeep, my CtD site)
<a href="http://rpg.black-unicorn.org/sheets.html"><img src="http://www.black-unicorn.org/linkok/sheetbanner.gif" border=0 HEIGHT=72 WIDTH=281 alt="[The Gamemistress's Character Sheet Archive]"></a>
The fonts used on the World of Darkness sheets came from Glasswalker's World of Resources, Mona's Aquarium and Lady Mox's World of Darkness, among other sites. Many thanks!
Champions is owned by DOJ/Hero Games. The Dresden Files are owned by Jim Butcher; the RPG is owned by Evil Hat Productions. The Unisystem, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Spacefarers & Prairie Folk, and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel RPGs are owned by Eden Studios. CJ Carella's WitchCraft and Armageddon are owned by CJ Carella and Eden Studios. Changeling: The Dreaming, Changeling: The Lost, Dark Ages, Mage: The Awakening, the Storyteller and Storytelling Systems, Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, the World of Darkness and Scion are owned by White Wolf Game Studios. No copyright infringement is intended in any of these cases.